School Board Zones




In accordance with the requirements of Ark, Code Ann. S 6-14-109, notice is hereby given that the annual school election in the above named school district will be held on May 24, 2022, for the following purpose:

To elect 3 members to the Board of Directors for terms beginning in 2022 and expiring in the following listed year:

Zone 2 2027

Zone 3 2027

Zone 6 2027

To submit the question of voting a total school tax rate (state and local) of 40.46 mills on the dollar of the assessed value of taxable property located in this School District. The proposed tax includes the uniform rate of tax of 25.0 mills (the "Statewide Uniform Rate") to be collected on all taxable property in the State and remitted to the State Treasurer pursuant to Amendment No. 74 to the Arkansas Constitution to be used solely for maintenance and operation of schools in the State. As provided in Amendment No. 74, the Statewide Uniform Rate replaces a portion of the existing rate of tax levied by this School District and available for maintenance and operation of schools in this District. The total proposed school tax levy of 40.46 mills includes 31.00 mills specifically voted for general maintenance and operation and 9.46 mills voted for debt service previously voted as a continuing levy pledged for the retirement of existing bonded indebtedness. The surplus revenues produced each year by the debt service millage may be used by the District for other school purposes.

The total proposed school tax levy of 40.46 mills represents the same rate presently being collected.

Only qualified electors of the District will have the right to vote and the electors may vote either for or against the question described above.

Early voting will be held at Arkansas City courthouse May 9, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday. Absentee applications can be requested starting January 1, 2022.